May 28, 2007

Discusion with my Pen

To write, to write upon a sheet of milky white. Why seem you so daunting? Once you and I, Dear Pen, were friends of many and various climbs. Exploring and adventuring through other’s lives and ideas of seemingly great purport. And yet I do to you what I have in store for all my talents. A nicely packed away place where you shall only be touched if eternity be within your grasp.
It is not the lack of reading as I have once told myself. “If only I were reading more my fingers would be inspired as before.” But alas this is not so. For a reader may read only that which she is inspired to read and I feel at the same loss for reading. Picking up a book and setting it down just as quickly.
There is so much to do! To think of doing! The future is looming up before me begging to be solved and accomplished. Things of the Kingdom are screaming for my attention. What have I to do with a pen who can only write things which have no eternal importance?!
And yet though they scream to me my hands seem tied and I am not free to do anything but remain sitting bound by my thoughts of all I want to do.
In a time when time is short on all sides and nothing is free but sacrificed for I must write! I must share this passion which spoken words and expression have such difficulty revealing of me. They must not say as they lay me in the grave. “She was sweet and kind. She was always pleasant yet never really fought for anything.” They must KNOW there is a fire that burns within me which will not let me hold still. It calls me by night and day “Be better, Be prepared!” for great work, no matter how small, must be placed at my Master’s feet with the enthusiasm of a child who has helped in such a tiny way her Father in His Great and Eternal work. I long, I strive, I must help build His kingdom!
And so Pen, if you want a place in my life, must you.


^_^ said...

I like this a lot. ^_^ I totally understand the problem.

Also, if you're interested in a little critique (if not, please skip this paragraph), I liked the diction/timing you started out with. You kept it going through most of it, but there are a lot of places where it jarred or got lost. I think if you fixed that timing beat, it would sound really cool ;)

Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

DAD read it and liked it too. He actually happened on your blog by accident. lol. I think that's a frustration all of us feel when we realize how much work needs to be done and we don't feel are talents are adequate to the task. But yours definitely are. Poetry and stories def.have a place in this world. try writing a childrens story that has political meaning and see how you do. hugz- lmss

Pirate Princess said...

lol - writers block? is there such a thing as readers block?

:) hugz - I'm with the ^_^ person. Come back to this and tweak it - you're almost there.

Write what you want. Write what you feel. Keep the saw sharpened and in time it will all make sense.

Pirate Princess said...

um... you not writing anymore?