This is my midwife and her asistent. They did get there in time and were wonderfully helpful.
After the birth my blood presure wouldn't come up so I was pale and consind to laying down....Didn't stop me from getting my snuggles in.
Here Yrgysh is still wet from the birthing tub. Little T looks shell shocked in all the pictures but she was running around laughing and saying "baby!". In this picture she had grabbed her baby (a stuffed dog) to mimick the real baby.
She is lovely though and already to joy to us all. Little T adores her (so long as she doesn't take her spot.) And Yrgysh spend several minutes dayly just staring contentedly at her.
Yay! you posted!lol. It was that fast eh? Well maybe you'll still get to do the next one at home b/c you have no choice, lol. Good thing Yrgish had this to break him in to birthing ;)
Texasblu put me on to thecutestblogontheblock.com
don't forget the "the" or you get a weird site. It's my fave b/c it's easy and I love their designs. As to my blog address it's
Did you get all the links? Gayle and everyone is on my links pg if you need them.
She's a cutie! Deonna just has hers today... I'm just glad ya'll are all healthy and happy. Too much of the other going around!
She is adorable!! Can't wait to meet her in person :) love you all so much!
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