Aug 27, 2012


So, no posts for a long while. I see. Well, I can tell I've been terribly missed by the Anonymous advertisers that are constantly sending me comments, reminding me that I have a blog. A blog, a blog.

You know, once I said I was a writer. That I couldn't;t breath if I wasn't writing. And well, I guess that's true. My writing has never ceased. Though its' content has been purely functional... okay not purely. My pride has over come this trend on occasion. But the "writer" in me is all but dead.

It started when I left on my mission. I was at my peek and writing like mad. Then I put that aside for the Lord and have never really been able to recover it.

Well, the Prophet said don't let anyone tell you you can't. Recently someone, politely, suggested... I wouldn't want to. I want to say, "You don't understand, it's like breathing!" but it's not anymore. So here's my goal. To write. To write till my muscles get long and lean and beautiful and words fall from my pen like liquid gold pooling in a shimmering puddle of light and substance.

We shall see what we shall see.

1 comment:

Aine said...

Never give up.

I love you.